Laboratory Identifications and Relations - Abdominal Cavity and Vasculature
Structural Basis of Medical Practice -- Gross Anatomy
The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine
Note: This guide is not exhaustive. The relations are incomplete.
The intent is to highlight observation through dissection.
Phrenicocolic ligament - supporting the left colic flexure, forming superior
boundary of left paracolic gutter
Transverse mesocolon - reflecting off the posterior wall as two layers
of peritoneum extending to the tranverse colon, notice the two layers diverge
to envelope most, but not all, of the circumference of transverse colon.
The transverse colon and, in fact, all intraperitoneal structures have
a "bare area."
Gastrocolic ligament - part of the greater omentum extending between the
greater curvature of the stomach and the transverse colon, note that the
posterior lamina forms, in part, an anterior boundary of the lesser sac
(omental bursa)
Greater omentum - extending off the greater curvature of the stomach, notice
that the greater omentum does not attach to the ventrum (adhesions excepted),
note that, to the left, the greater omentum is continous with the gastrosplenic
ligament (dorsal mesentery)
Leinorenal ligament - visceral ligament (two layers of peritoneum) securing
the spleen to the posterior abdominal wall (dorsal mesentery)
Right paracolic gutter - lateral to the ascending colon, unlike the left
gutter, there is not a limiting structure at the superior (or inferior
end), provides direct communication between the pelvic basin, hepatorenal
recess, and lesser sac via the epiploic foramen
Lesser omentum - connecting the liver to the lesser curvature of the stomach
and to the region of the duodenal cap, has named parts (hepatogastric and
hepatoduodenal ligaments) that are visceral ligaments (two layers of peritoneum),
continuous with coronary ligament and falciform ligament, ventral mesentery
Hepatogastric ligament - connecting the liver (ligamentum venosum) to the
lesser curvature of the stomach, provides pathway for autonomics (e.g.,
hepatic branch of vagus), and vessels (e.g., right and left gastic) as
do all visceral ligaments
Hepatoduodenal ligament - connecting liver (porta hepatis) to the duodenal
cap, envelopes the common bile duct, hepatic proper a., and the portal
vein, forms inferior boundary of the epiploic foramen.
Epiploic foramen - boundaries: anterior the hepatoduodenal ligament, posterior
the inferior vena cava, superior the caudate lobe (liver), inferior the
duodenal cap
Coronary ligament - securing the liver to the diaphragm, continuous with
the falciform ligament and the hepatogastric ligament
Anterior lamina of right and left triangular ligaments - lateral extensions
of coronary ligament, defining, in part, the subphrenic recesses
Falciform ligament - securing the liver to the anterior abdominal wall,
continous with the coronary ligament, contains the ligamentum teres and
paraumbilical vv., inferior free edge represents the end of the ventral
mesentery as does the inferior free edge of the lesser omentum at the epiploic
Duodenojejunal flexure - supported by the ligament of Treitz, marks end
of duodenum and beginning of small intestine
Root of intestinal mesentery - site of reflections of peritoneum off the
posterior wall the extend to the small intestine, courses obliquely to
the right starting from the duodenojejunal junction
Ileocecal junction - lower right quadrant, location of ileocecal valve,
beginning of large intestine
Appendix - extending from cecum into pelvic basin
Mesoappendix - visceral ligament (two layers of peritoneum) securing the
appendix to the cecum
Right colic flexure - transition from ascending to transverse colon, notice
that this is lower than the left colic flexure (the liver is a bully)
Left colic flexure - supported by the phrenicocolic ligament
Coronary Ligament - continuous with falciform ligament and lesser omentum
(ventral mesentery), attaching liver to diaphragm
Left and right triangular ligaments - lateral extensions of the coronary
Anterior lamina of coronary ligament - nick a small observation window
to view the bare area
Ligamentum teres - fibrous cord (remnant of left umbilical vein) extending
anterioinferior near the free edge of the falciform lig.
Bare area of the liver - boundaries defined by the coronary ligament, includes
the IVC
Ligamentum Venosum - fibrous cord between portal vein and left hapatic
vein, site of attachment for the hepatogastric (not hepatoduodenal) ligament
(watch out for Chung on this), remnant of ductus venosus
Porta hepatis - site of entry into the liver for hepatic ducts, hepatic
aa., and portal v., attachment of hepatoduodenal ligament
Cystic duct - entering common hepatic duct ot form common bile duct
Right hepatic a. - crossing posterior to common hepatic duct (typically
not common bile duct as stated in Hollinshead)
Celiac trunk - anterior border of trunk in contact with median arcuate
Celiac ganglia - posterior lateral to celiac trunk on sides of aorta
Greater splanchnic n. - piercing crus of diaphragm to enter celiac trunk
Celiac plexus - fibrous nervous tissue surrounding celiac trunk and arterial
Splenic artery - branch of celiac trunk running transversely toward the
spleen, retroperitoneal in floor of lesser sac, intraperitoneal in leinorenal
Dorsal pancreatic a. - entering superior medial aspect of pancreas, branch
of either celiac trunk, splenic a., or aorta
Chief (great) pancreatic a. - branch of splenic artery entering superior
border of body of pancreas
Short gastric aa. - branching from splenic a., travelling through gastroleino
ligament to provide the fundus of the stomach
Left gastroepiploic a. - branching from splenic artery within lienorenal
ligament (commonly) and entering the greater omentum to travel along
greater curvature
Left gastric a. - branching from the celiac trunk and traveling toward
gastroesophageal junction, within hepatogastric ligament, lesser curvature
Esophageal a.v. - branching from the left gastric a.v. near the gastroesophageal
junction, ascending through esophageal hiatus, veins related to esophageal
Right gastric a. - branching from the hepatic proper a., traveling through
the hepatogastric ligament toward pyloric end of lesser curvature
Gastroduodenal a. - terminal branch of common hepatic within lesser omentum
Supraduodenal aa - branching from gastroduodenal before passing posterior
to duodenal cap, supplying superior surface of duodenal cap
Retroduodenal aa - branching from gastroduodenal as it passes posterior
to the duodencap, supplying inferior surface of duodenal cap
Superior posterior pancreaticoduodenal a. - coursing along the posterior
surface of the head of the pancreas
Superior anterior pancreaticoduodenal a. - along the anterior surface of
the head of the pancreas, the anterior and posterior branches might arise
from a common trunk
Right gastroepiploic a. - terminal branch of the gastroduodenal a., entering
the right border of the great omentum, following the greater curvature
of stomach
Proper hepatic a. - terminating in left and right hepatic aa.
Portal vein - formed by union of splenic and superior mesenteric vv., most
posterior of structures in hepatoduodenal ligament
Left hepatic vein - draining directly into IVC, site of attachment for
the ligamentum venosum
Superior mesenteric a. - left renal v. crossing the aorta immediately
inferior, horizontal duodenum crossing aorta inferior to left renal v.,
Inferior anterior and posterior pancreaticoduodenal aa - anastomosing with
counterparts from gastroduodenal, anastomosis between foregut and midgut,
early branch(s) off supperior mesenteric a.
Middle colic artery - traveling through transverse mesocolon, participates
in anastomosis between midgut and hindgut (left colic a.)
Intestinal artery - branch directly from superior mesenteric a., travelling
through intestinal mesentery
Arcades - anastomotic channels betwee intestinal aa., notice complexity
increases according to distal extent of small intestine
Vasa recta - end arteries branching from the arcades
Iliocolic a. - retroperitoneal and extending toward ileocecal junction,
sends branch to the ilium, anterior and posterior cecal aa.
Appendicular a. - running through the mesoappendix
Ascending colic a. - retroperitoneal course toward proximal ascending colon
Right colic a. - retroperitoneal course middle and distal ascending colon,
forming anastomosis with middle colic a.
Inferior mesenteric a. - retroperitoneal in left posterior wall
Left colic a. - branching from inferior mesenteric a. and traveling superior
lateral toward the left colic flexure, anastomosis with middle colic a.
Sigmoidal aa. - branching from inferior mesenteric a., entering the sigmoid
Superior rectal a. - continuation of the inferior mesenteric a. into the
pelvic basin, inferior mesenteric a. crosses the left common iliac
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