Human Gross Anatomy - Laboratory Identifications for Lower Limb and Thorax

Laboratory 5 - Leg

[ SBMP ] [ 01 ] [ 02 ] [ 03 ] [ 04 ] [ 05 ] [ 06 ] [ 07 ] [ 08 ] [ 09 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ]
  1. Fibula
  2. Tibia
  3. Interosseous membrane
  4. Intercondylar eminence
  5. Lateral malleolus
  6. Medial malleolus
  7. Calcaneus
  8. Cuboid
  9. Talus
  10. Navicular
  11. Cuneiform - Medial
  12. Cuneiform - Intermediate
  13. Cuneiform - Lateral
  14. Metatarsal - base, body, head
  15. Phalange - proximal, middle, distal
  16. Peroneus tertius
  17. Tibialis anterior
  18. Tibialis posterior
  19. Metatarsals
  20. Extensor hood
  21. Phalange - proximal, middle, distal
  22. Extensor hallucis longus
  23. Common peroneal nerve
  24. Superficial peroneal nerve
  25. Peroneus longus
  26. Peroneus brevis
  27. Triceps surae
  28. Soleus
  29. Gastrocnemius-medial/lateral heads
  30. Tendocalcaneus
  31. Plantaris
  32. Extensor digitorum brevis
  33. Superior peroneal retinaculum
  34. Inferior peroneal retinaculum
  35. Inferior extensor retinaculum
  36. Superor extensor retinaculum
  37. Flexor retinaculum
  38. Popliteus
  39. Deep peroneal nerve
  40. Peroneal artery
  41. Peroneal vein
  42. Posterior tibial artery
  43. Posterior tibial vein
  44. Tibial nerve
  45. Anterior tibial artery
  46. Anterior tibial vein
  47. Lesser saphenous vein
  48. Lumbricals
  49. Extensor hallucis brevis
  50. Extensor hallucis longus
  51. Flexor hallucis brevis
  52. Flexor hallucis longus
  53. Flexor digitorum longus
  54. Flexor digitorum brevis
  55. Sustenaculum tali
  56. Tuber calcanei
  57. Superficial peroneal nerve
  58. Posterior lateral malleolar artery
  59. Anterior lateral malleolar artery
  60. Lateral calcaneal artery
  61. Lateral tarsal artery
  62. Arcuate artery
  63. Medial tarsal artery
  64. Medial calcaneal artery
  65. Dorsalis pedis artery
  66. Anterior medial malleolar artery
  67. Posterior medial malleolar artery
  68. Medial condyle of tibia
  69. Lateral condyle of tibia
  70. Tuber calcanei

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The Structural Basis of Medical Practice - Human Gross Anatomy
The College of Medicine of the The Pennsylvania State University
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